Educational Support » Programs » Little Dippers

Little Dippers


The STAR Little Dipper Program is a fee-based preschool program for 4-year olds who want to extend their school day through innovative, fun and educational enrichment programming. It is held during the school year, Monday through Friday.

We offer two programs:  School Day Program from 8:00 am - 2:15 pm and Full Day program 8:00 am - 6:00 pm.

Unlike the usual recreation programs, Little Dippers classes are college classes for kids. The difference is the quality, background and experience of our instructors. Our enrichment teachers include: well known artists; college and university instructors; experienced certified teachers; and other recognized specialists in their field.

Prospective parents should contact Ms. Margarita in January the year you are interested for enrollment. The list gets filled up fast. For more information, call Ms. Margarita at (310) 596-9564 or email at [email protected].