Miscellaneous » For Parents » Communications


Communications to parents may come from the school directly, via Room Parents, or from Friends of Canfield.
By default, LAUSD parents / guardians have been opted in to receive emails, phone calls and text messages from the school via the Blackboard Connect system.
Instructions for opting back into Blackboard Connect
To resume phone calls: Parents and employees can choose to Opt back into receiving Outreach (general) messages by calling (855) 502-7867 for any phone number that was previously Opted-Out. 
To resume text messages: Parents and employees can choose to Opt back in to receiving Text messages by texting "START LAUSD" to 91841.
To resume emails: Contact Janet Akiyama at [email protected]
phone image 213.241.2568
Room Parents and FOC want to keep you informed about what's happening in class, around the school, and even off-campus events. They have multiple avenues of communication including WhatsApp, the FOC Facebook Group, and email newsletter. Please fill out the form below to get added to receive these communications.